Welcome, two decades of expertise in media buying across Spokane, WA, and North Idaho positions us as your go-to agency for all your advertising needs. We’re not just media buyers; we’re architects of your brand’s success.

With a journey spanning more than two decades, our deep-rooted knowledge and experience in media buying is unmatched. We understand the landscape, anticipate trends, and deliver results that speak volumes. Our seasoned team ensures your message is not just seen or heard but truly resonates with your audience.

Media Buying Agreement

The Unique Benefit of Our Commission Structure

In the realm of traditional media – TV, radio, print, and outdoor advertising – our services are uniquely designed to be cost-effective for our clients. We operate on a 15% commission for traditional media, paid not by you, but by the media company. This means the services we provide, from strategic planning to buying spots, come at zero additional cost to you.

How It Works:

When we secure media placements on your behalf, the media company reduces their invoice by 15% to pay us. This ingenious model ensures that the full value of your investment goes directly into your media placements, without any extra fees for our expert services.

A Client-Centric Approach

This zero-cost structure underscores our commitment to transparency and client benefit. We value your trust and aim to maximize your advertising spend, ensuring every dollar you invest is used effectively to enhance your brand’s presence in the market.

Unmatched Transparency

Unlike most agencies, we provide you with a copy of every invoice from the media companies. The verifies that ads ran, when, how often, and how much. We believe it is better to have too much information than not enough.

While our traditional media buying comes at zero extra cost, our digital media resources are equally impressive. We seamlessly blend traditional and digital strategies, ensuring your brand’s presence is robust and impactful across all platforms. Our digital media services are designed to complement our traditional media offerings, creating a holistic approach to your advertising needs.

In addition to our zero-cost traditional media buying, we excel in an array of digital media strategies. Each of these tactics is designed to target your audience precisely, enhance engagement, and drive results.

Google and Bing Search Ads 🌍

  • Customized Keyword Strategy: We develop a tailored keyword approach to ensure your ads appear in relevant searches, maximizing visibility and click-through rates.
  • Ongoing Optimization: Continuous monitoring and tweaking of your campaigns ensure the best ROI, adapting to search trends and audience behavior.

Display Ads on Facebook, Instagram, and Google πŸ–ΌοΈ

  • Creative and Engaging Ad Designs: Our team crafts visually appealing and compelling ads that resonate with your target audience across these platforms.
  • Strategic Placement: We place your ads in contexts that garner the most engagement, leveraging Facebook’s and Google’s powerful targeting algorithms.

Email Marketing πŸ“§

  • Personalized Campaigns: From crafting captivating subject lines to designing content that speaks directly to your audience, our email marketing campaigns are personalized to increase open rates and conversions.
  • Segmentation and Automation: We use segmentation and automation strategies to deliver the right message at the right time, enhancing customer relationship management.

Geo-Fencing and Reverse IP Targeting πŸ“

  • Hyper-Localized Advertising: Geo-fencing allows us to target users within a specific geographic area, perfect for local businesses or location-specific promotions.
  • Reverse IP Targeting: This technology enables us to tailor content to users based on their IP address, enhancing the relevance and personalization of ads.

Retargeting Website Visitors πŸ”

  • Re-engagement Strategies: We employ retargeting tactics to re-engage users who have visited your website, keeping your brand top-of-mind and encouraging return visits.
  • Customized Ad Content: Ads are tailored based on the user’s previous interaction with your website, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

And More…

Our digital media strategies also encompass the latest trends and innovations in online advertising, ensuring your brand stays ahead of the curve.

  • Two Decades of Expertise: Leverage our vast experience for your brand’s success.
  • Zero Extra Cost for Traditional Media: Benefit from our unique commission structure.
  • Strong Relationships with Media Outlets: Enjoy the advantages of our established partnerships.
  • Comprehensive Digital and Traditional Strategies: Get the best of both worlds for maximum impact.

Your Strategic Partner in Traditional and Digital Media Buying 🌟

In the ever-evolving world of advertising, it’s not just about being seen or heard; it’s about making a lasting impact. At 2X Sales, we blend over two decades of traditional media buying expertise with cutting-edge digital strategies to place your brand in the spotlight, both in Spokane, WA, and beyond.

With us, you get the best of both worlds:

Zero Extra Cost in Traditional Media: Leverage our unique commission-based traditional media buying. It’s not just about saving costs; it’s about investing wisely where it counts.

Advanced Digital Media Strategies: From Google and Bing Search Ads to sophisticated geofencing and retargeting techniques, we ensure your digital footprint is not just broad, but also deep and impactful.

A Partnership for Growth: We see ourselves as more than just a service provider; we are your partners in growth. Your success is our success, and this ethos drives every strategy we craft for you.

Take the Leap with 2X Sales πŸš€

Step into a world where your advertising budget is maximized, your brand’s message resonates loud and clear, and your business growth is our primary focus. Embrace the power of expert media buying, both traditional and digital, and witness how we transform challenges into opportunities and ideas into results.