Google Analytics setup

Google Analytics Setup: 6 Easy Steps

Setting Up and Installing Google Analytics: A Simple Guide


Setting up Google Analytics might seem a bit intimidating at first, but it’s really not as hard as it looks. Trust me, once you get the hang of it, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it. This guide will take you through the process step by step. By the end, you’ll be tracking your website traffic, understanding visitor behavior, and using this data to make smart decisions. So, let’s dive in!

Step 1: Setting Up a Google Analytics Account

First, you need a Google Account. If you don’t have one yet, don’t worry—it’s easy to set up. Just go to the Google Account signup page and follow the prompts. Got your account? Great! Now, head over to Google Analytics and click “Start for free.” Sign in, and you’ll see a “Set up for free” button. Click that and fill in some basic info about your business and website to create your Google Analytics account.

Step 2: Setting Up a Property in Google Analytics

Next, we need to set up a property in your Google Analytics account. Think of a property as your website’s home base in Analytics. Go to the “Admin” tab in your account. In the “Account” column, select the account you want to add the property to. Then, in the “Property” column, click “Create Property.” You’ll need to enter details like your property name, reporting time zone, and currency. Make sure these settings are spot on to ensure your data is accurate.

Step 3: Adding Tracking Code to Your Website

Now, let’s add the tracking code to your website so Google Analytics can start collecting data. Head back to the “Admin” tab, click “Tracking Info” under the “Property” column, and select “Tracking Code.” You’ll see the Global Site Tag (gtag.js) here—copy this code.

There are also numerous WordPress plugins that can connect your WordPress site to Google Analytics.

For HTML websites, open your HTML file and paste the Global Site Tag into the <head> section. If you’re using WordPress, it’s a bit different. Install and activate the “Insert Headers and Footers” plugin. Once it’s activated, go to “Settings” > “Insert Headers and Footers” in your WordPress dashboard. Paste the Global Site Tag into the “Scripts in Header” box and save your changes. This ensures the tracking code is on all pages of your site.

Google Analytics View

Step 4: Setting Up Goals and Conversions

Now that your tracking code is up and running, it’s time to set up goals. Goals help you measure key actions on your site, like purchases or sign-ups. To set up a goal, go to the “Admin” tab, then under the “View” column, click “Goals.” Click “New Goal” and follow the setup wizard to define your goal. You can pick from various templates, like destination (reaching a thank-you page), duration (time spent on site), pages/screens per session, or events (downloads, video plays, etc.).

Step 5: Linking Google Analytics to Other Tools

To really get the most out of Google Analytics, consider linking it with other tools like Google Ads and Google Search Console. Linking with Google Ads lets you track your ad campaigns and see how they drive traffic to your site. In the “Admin” tab, click “Google Ads Linking” under the “Property” column, and follow the prompts to link your accounts.

Similarly, linking with Google Search Console gives you insights into how your site appears in search results and how visitors find you. Go to the “Admin” tab, click “All Products” under the “Property” column, then select “Link Search Console” and follow the instructions.

Step 6: Configuring Custom Reports and Dashboards

Custom reports and dashboards let you see the data that matters most to you. Custom reports allow you to specify the dimensions and metrics you’re interested in, giving you more relevant insights. To create a custom report, go to “Customization” > “Custom Reports” and click “New Custom Report.” Set up your desired metrics and dimensions based on what’s important to your business.

Dashboards provide a quick overview of key metrics in one place. They can be customized to show the data that’s most relevant to you, making it easier to monitor your site’s performance at a glance. To set up a dashboard, go to “Customization” > “Dashboards” and click “Create.” Choose from a template or start from scratch to build your dashboard.


And there you have it! You’ve successfully set up Google Analytics for your website. Now, you can start using these powerful insights to boost your online presence. The data you collect can help you understand your audience, refine your marketing strategies, and improve your business performance. If you have any questions or need further help, the 2X Sales team is here for you.

For professional setup and other digital marketing services, check out our WordPress web design services or get in touch with us through our contact page.

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Duplicate Google Listing Deletion

  • Make It Unique: Ensure each business has its own identity and range of services.
  • Separate: Even if they’re roomies, each business needs to have its own sign, entrance, or defined space.
  • Dot the I’s and Cross the T’s: Follow Google’s playbook to the letter, filling in all the details truthfully for each business.
  • Verify, Verify, Verify: Jump through Google’s hoops to verify each business’s address.

Need Help? Visit our page “How to Create the Best Google Business Page” or Contact Us for personalized assistance.


How to Create the Best Google Business Page

Crafting an unbeatable Google Business Page that stands out in the bustling regions of Spokane and North Idaho requires more than just a basic setup; it calls for a strategy infused with local SEO insights and a deep understanding of the community’s unique characteristics. At 2X Sales, we’re not just about creating digital footprints; we’re about etching your brand into the heart of the local community. Let’s dive into how you can make your Google Business Page (now part of Google Maps) resonate with the Spokane and North Idaho audiences, using a blend of our expert insights and external wisdom.

Step 1: Lay the Foundation with Verification

Starting on solid ground means getting your business verified. Google offers several methods, including postcard verification, phone, email, or even an instant method​​. For businesses in Spokane and North Idaho, this initial step authenticates your presence in the local area, making your business a trustworthy option for local searches. You can do this step yourself or reach out to 2X Sales for Research and Strategy help.

Step 2: Optimize Your Profile with Rich Details

Your Google Business Page is a digital storefront; make it inviting. Fill it with rich details like your business description, services, and history. Highlight what sets you apart in the Inland Northwest. What captures the essence of your brand but also caters to the local search intent​​​​? For guidance on crafting compelling digital content that speaks to the local audience, ask about our Expert Digital Content Creation services.


Step 3: Engage Through High-Quality Visuals

Visuals play a crucial role in storytelling. Your Google Business Page is no exception. Businesses with photos see significant engagement, such as 35% more clicks to their website​​. Capture Spokane’s beauty or North Idaho’s charm with captivating images of your business, products, and team. This visual engagement attracts locals and gives them a glimpse into your brand’s personality.

Step 4: Showcase Your Uniqueness with Attributes and Posts

Attributes and posts allow you to showcase what makes your business unique. Whether it’s being pet-friendly, offering free Wi-Fi, or highlighting your participation in local events in Spokane and North Idaho, these details matter​​. Regular updates, offers, and news keep your profile fresh and engaging.

Step 5: Cultivate Trust Through Reviews

Reviews are the lifeblood of local SEO. Encouraging satisfied customers to share their experiences enhances your credibility and strengthens your connection from Spokane to Coeur d’Alene and Sandpoint. Responding to positive and negative reviews shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to improving their experience.

Step 6: Monitor, Analyze, and Optimize

Success in local SEO is not a one-and-done affair; it’s an ongoing process of monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing. Use Google Insights to understand how customers interact with your listing and what drives them to your door. This data is invaluable for tweaking your strategy to better serve the Spokane and North Idaho markets.

Have problems with multiple locations or multiple businesses at the same location?

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We Can Do It for You

For personalized assistance and to dive deeper into optimizing your Google Business Page, contact us at 2X Sales. Together we’ll ensure your business ranks well on Google and becomes a beloved part of the Spokane and North Idaho community fabric.